Recurly + Stripe + Email integration

Use Autopilot to create journeys that use the Recurly, Stripe and Email integrations.

Marketing Automation ideas to integrate Recurly, Stripe and Email.

Showing 0 journey ideas for Recurly, Stripe and Email

About the Recurly integration

Our Recurly integration syncs all of your customer data and invoices allowing you deep insights into your SaaS metrics. We automatically create dashboards which help you gain actionable insights into your customer base. Most importantly, Autopilot lets you take ACTION on this data through email marketing campaigns and playbooks which help you grow your audience and make more money.

About the Stripe integration

Stripe is the best way to accept payments online. Stripe aims to expand internet commerce by making it easy to process transactions and manage an online business. Autopilot's Stripe integration syncs all of your customer and invoice data and provides you deep insight into your data through built-in dashboards. Autopilot also allows you to use its email marketing tools to grow your business and make more money. Either use single-send email marketing campaign to key audiences, or use playbooks to nurture and grow your audience and make more money.

About the Email integration

Send beautiful, responsive and personalized marketing emails. All with drag and drop. Send newsletters, blog posts, webinar invitations, lead nurture emails, drip email sequences and more. You can also use Autopilot for transactional email. Send timely, personalized and professional transactional emails. Send order confirmations, purchase receipts, account updates, system messages, form submission confirmations, cart abandonment emails and more. Autopilot supports the Liquid template language. This provides a powerful and flexible way to personalize your emails. Liquid allows you to include dynamic content in your emails. It also allows you to personalize your emails using dynamic logic.

Create your own marketing automation journey

Using Triggers, Actions and Conditions included in the Recurly integration, Stripe integration and the Email integration.

Journey Triggers

Recurly Subscription
Add a contact to a journey when their Recurly subscription status meets your criteria.
Email Activity
Add a contact to a journey when they are sent, or interact with (e.g. open or click), any email or a specific email.


Check Email Status
Check whether a contact has interacted with an email in a specific way (e.g. opened or clicked it).

Journey Actions

Send Email
Send a contact a personalized marketing or transactional email.

What is Autopilot?

Simple and visual customer journey marketing software you’ll love.

Automate your marketing & grow your business. With Autopilot follow up new leads, nurture existing leads, send messages on every channel and automate your marketing with simple and visual customer journey marketing software. It’s as easy as dragging and dropping Triggers, Actions and Conditions to automate your marketing. Best of all Autopilot integrates and automates the applications you’re already using like Recurly, Stripe and Email.