Mailchimp + Segment + Heap integration

Use Autopilot to create journeys that use the Mailchimp, Segment and Heap integrations.

Marketing Automation ideas to integrate Mailchimp, Segment and Heap.

Heap Event to Subscribe to Mailchimp audience to Send Segment Event

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Heap Event to Unsubscribe from Mailchimp Audience to Send Segment Event

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Heap Event to Send Segment Event to Subscribe to Mailchimp audience

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Heap Event to Send Segment Event to Unsubscribe from Mailchimp Audience

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Subscribed to Mailchimp audience to Unsubscribe from Mailchimp Audience to Send Segment Event

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Heap Event to Subscribe to Mailchimp audience to Send Segment Event

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Subscribed to Mailchimp audience to Send Segment Event to Subscribe to Mailchimp audience

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Segment Event to Send Segment Event to Subscribe to Mailchimp audience

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Segment Event to Unsubscribe from Mailchimp Audience to Send Segment Event

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Heap Event to Send Segment Event to Unsubscribe from Mailchimp Audience

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Heap Event to Unsubscribe from Mailchimp Audience to Send Segment Event

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Segment Event to Send Segment Event to Unsubscribe from Mailchimp Audience

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Unsubscribed from Mailchimp Audience to Send Segment Event to Unsubscribe from Mailchimp Audience

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Unsubscribed from Mailchimp Audience to Subscribe to Mailchimp audience to Send Segment Event

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Unsubscribed from Mailchimp Audience to Unsubscribe from Mailchimp Audience to Send Segment Event

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Subscribed to Mailchimp audience to Subscribe to Mailchimp audience to Send Segment Event

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Heap Event to Send Segment Event to Subscribe to Mailchimp audience

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Segment Event to Subscribe to Mailchimp audience to Send Segment Event

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Subscribed to Mailchimp audience to Send Segment Event to Unsubscribe from Mailchimp Audience

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Unsubscribed from Mailchimp Audience to Send Segment Event to Subscribe to Mailchimp audience

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Showing 20 journey ideas for Mailchimp, Segment and Heap

About the Mailchimp integration

Autopilot's native Mailchimp integration makes it easy to keep your Mailchimp audiences and Autopilot lists in sync, nurture new Mailchimp subscribers in Autopilot, notify your team on Slack when you receive new Mailchimp subscribers, and add new subscribers as leads in your CRM, such as Salesforce or Pipedrive.

About the Segment integration

Personalize your marketing by triggering and personalizing your messages based on user events. Activate new users and drive higher engagement and retention.

About the Heap integration

Heap allows you to aggregate, organize, and visualize all of your business data in one place. By streaming your Autopilot data to Heap you’ll instantly gain the visibility you need to make data-driven decisions across the entire customer journey. You can also easily add people to journeys in Autopilot when they perform an event that you’re tracking in Heap.

Create your own marketing automation journey

Using Triggers, Actions and Conditions included in the Mailchimp integration, Segment integration and the Heap integration.

Journey Triggers

Unsubscribed from Mailchimp Audience
Adds a contact to a journey when they are unsubscribed from a Mailchimp audience.
Subscribed to Mailchimp audience
Adds a contact to a journey when they are subscribed to a Mailchimp audience.
Segment Event
Add a contact to a journey when they perform a Segment event.
Heap Event
Add a contact to a journey when they perform a Heap event.

Journey Actions

Subscribe to Mailchimp audience
Subscribes a contact to a Mailchimp audience.
Unsubscribe from Mailchimp Audience
Unsubscribes a contact from a Mailchimp audience.
Send Segment Event
Send a contextual Segment Event.

What is Autopilot?

Simple and visual customer journey marketing software you’ll love.

Automate your marketing & grow your business. With Autopilot follow up new leads, nurture existing leads, send messages on every channel and automate your marketing with simple and visual customer journey marketing software. It’s as easy as dragging and dropping Triggers, Actions and Conditions to automate your marketing. Best of all Autopilot integrates and automates the applications you’re already using like Mailchimp, Segment and Heap.