Headsup + Delighted + Lob integration

Use Autopilot to create journeys that use the Headsup, Delighted and Lob integrations.

Marketing Automation ideas to integrate Headsup, Delighted and Lob.

Delighted NPS Response to Show Headsup Message to Mail Lob Postcard

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Delighted NPS Response to Check Headsup Status to Mail Lob Postcard

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Delighted NPS Response to Mail Lob Postcard to Show Headsup Message

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Delighted NPS Response to Mail Lob Postcard to Show Headsup Message

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Delighted NPS Response to Check Headsup Status to Mail Lob Postcard

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Delighted NPS Response to Check Delighted NPS Response to Show Headsup Message

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Delighted NPS Response to Show Headsup Message to Send Delighted NPS Survey

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Delighted NPS Response to Check Headsup Status to Send Delighted NPS Survey

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Delighted NPS Response to Send Delighted NPS Survey to Show Headsup Message

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Delighted NPS Response to Show Headsup Message to Mail Lob Postcard

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Showing 10 journey ideas for Headsup, Delighted and Lob

About the Headsup integration

Display personalized, timely messages to people that visit your website, landing pages, store, blog, knowledge base or app. Acquire new subscribers, capture replies, and create beautiful call to actions to nudge people in the right direction.

About the Delighted integration

With Delighted send NPS surveys and automate follow up to promoters and detractors. Delighted is the easiest and most beautiful way to measure customer happiness. Are your customers delighted? The fastest and easiest way to gather actionable feedback from your customers. Delighted uses the Net Promoter System® to gather real feedback from your customers – in minutes not weeks. No technical knowledge required.

About the Lob integration

Add a personal touch to your marketing by sending beautiful postcards to leads or customers as easily as you would an email.

Create your own marketing automation journey

Using Triggers, Actions and Conditions included in the Headsup integration, Delighted integration and the Lob integration.

Journey Triggers

Delighted NPS Response
Trigger a journey based on an NPS Response grouped by Promoter, Passive or Detractor.


Check Headsup Status
Check whether a contact has interacted with a Headsup message in a specific way (e.g. opened or responded).
Check Delighted NPS Response
Check the previous NPS response of the contact in the journey.

Journey Actions

Show Headsup Message
Show a contact a personalized message on a website, landing page, blog or inside an app.
Send Delighted NPS Survey
Send an NPS survey via Delighted to the contact in the journey.
Mail Lob Postcard
Send a contact a personalized, physical postcard.

What is Autopilot?

Simple and visual customer journey marketing software you’ll love.

Automate your marketing & grow your business. With Autopilot follow up new leads, nurture existing leads, send messages on every channel and automate your marketing with simple and visual customer journey marketing software. It’s as easy as dragging and dropping Triggers, Actions and Conditions to automate your marketing. Best of all Autopilot integrates and automates the applications you’re already using like Headsup, Delighted and Lob.